
Posts Tagged ‘steamers’

Do you have a pellet stove or know someone that does? Did you know there are simple ways to increase pellet stove safety in your home or enhance the warmth it gives off with accessories? I’m talking about safety gates, hopper extensions, ash vacuums, brushes, cleaning kits and steamers to keep the air moist and smelling nice, all of which make great gifts.

Pellet Stove Gift Guide

Pellet Stove Safety Gates

When there are children and pets in a home with a pellet stove, safety should be of the upmost importance. This season, prevent burns by giving the gift of a pellet stove safety gate. These safety gates, also called hearth gates, are heat resistant and fireproof. Some come with latching doors for easy access while preventing a tripping child or rambunctious pet from getting burned.

Browse and shop pellet stove safety gates

Pellet Stove Hopper Extensions

Pellet stove hopper extensions increase the amount of pellets a stove can hold while decreasing the amount of times the stove needs to be fed. Increasing the amount of pellets a stove can hold is a great gift for the person on the go who doesn’t want to worry about coming home to a cold house.

Browse and shop pellet stove hopper extensions

Pellet Stove Ash Vacuums

Ash vacuums make cleaning a pellet stove safer and easier which makes them great gifts. They come with heat resistant parts like hoses and ash canisters to prevent the vacuum catching on fire during or after use. The hoses are long and flexible enabling them to reach the nooks of the stove, filters are specially designed to trap fine ash particles and the fireproof canisters prevent smoldering ash from catching fire.

Browse and shop ash vacuums for the pellet stove

Pellet Stove Brushes and Cleaning Kits

Make cleaning even easier with the gift of a brush and cleaning kit made specifically for pellet stoves. Bristles on pellet stove brushes are flexible yet tough for scraping soot, ash and stubborn clinkers from within the stove. Pellet stove cleaning kits come with multiple brushes and accessories designed to fit the grooves and bends of the stove. Remember, a clean pellet stove is a safe pellet stove.

Browse and shop pellet stove brushes

Browse and shop pellet stove cleaning kits

Pellet Stove Steamers

Pellet stove steamers are an easy way to put some moisture back into the air. They come in many styles and designs to fit the decor of the home and safely sit on top of the pellet stove. Simply add water, replace the lid and place it on the stove. When giving a pellet stove steamer as a gift, add a bottle or two of scented oil made for steamers to create a warming aroma in the home.

Browse and shop pellet stove steamers

Image: potat0man/Flickr

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